It was not too long ago, when it, where we used to a niche segment of e readers and readers come, a certain amount of flexibility exhibition. Often and there pictures of e-reader would be to bow to a certain extent, that would keep us in awe. Unfortunately none of you ever proved a success and it was just left to the conventional and inflexible e reader, to satisfy the e-book loving dimensions.
However, it seems that such bendable e-readers are back again, thanks to a group of researchers in Taiwan who claim, have taken on a new way of establishing electronics, the bending and shearing forces could withstand up to a certain extent. And the most surprising aspect of it all, our good old silk fabric is the center of everything. Because it about a technique, from silk in liquid form, which is converted to a membrane, the characteristics of isolators exhibits and can as a flexible thin-film transistors.
The method has from an engineering professor with two post-doctoral Taiwan's National Tsing Hua University has been developed and have stated that you already are a few manufacturers in conversation. Needless to say, the technology keeps a lot of promise and the material of the e-readers and reader, LED displays and RFD tags of the future could well be.
The use of silk for the production of electronic devices can save too much cost way lead, as it is estimated that his would only $0.03 in the value of silk, for each device are required. Silk is a natural fiber means also the damage to the environment is also the least. Much less than the plastics usually do.
There is no word, though, could be when we get to see a silk e-reader in a real-world scenario of retail space with perhaps the Kindle and the angle of the future to share.
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